Prof. PAUL CHRISTENSEN - Electric Vehicle Battery Fires.

8 months ago

Prof. PAUL CHRISTENSEN Electric Vehicle Battery Fires SUBSCRIBE NOW
As part of Green Fire Safety Conference in May 2023 in London.

Full archive of free to access presentations available at

Mark your diary and budget for 8th International Tall Building High Rise Fire Safety Conference 15 - 17th April 2024, alongside FDIC in Indianapolis, US.

Through his research under the Faraday Institution-funded ReLiB and Safebatt projects, PAC has sought to inform first responders of the risks and hazards of lithium-ion batteries and hence (hopefully) to avoid
injuries when dealing with LiB fires and explosions involving (principally) electric vehicles and battery energy storage systems.

He has given more than 100 presentations to first responders across the world as well as help and advice on an ad hoc basis.

He is the Senior Advisor to the National Fire Chiefs Council and serves on
a number of UK Government and British Standards Institute working and
governance groups.

He is the recipient of 2022 Motorola Foundations
Knowledge Event Series award from the Australasian Fire and Emergency Service Authorities Council for a lecture tour of Australia, Tasmania and New Zealand. PAC has over 180 publications in international journals and an H-Index of 53

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