763 Celebrity and Athlete Deaths following mRNA Inoculation

1 year ago

A lot of coincidences.

All employers who made these mandatory should be in jail for manslaughter.

Those jab givers were only rewarded with high pay and bonuses.

What is associated with high pay? RESPECT.

It is unjust respect.

Hospitals were rewarded for following evil protocol.

Nothing like paying the people to kill the people.

Why are we listening to them?

Time to awaken to who is signing your paychecks. They don't have your best interest nor the masses.

Wake Up!

Source: EarthNewpaper.com - https://www.bitchute.com/video/CWf5IEEPWKqy/?fbclid=IwAR3TRbT1u6r04ofkifpco9CuF_mWf8KIwuOJUmvHh8HsfFtHTr_ia2cwlJY

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