Hawaii - by Poeina - Official Music Video

1 year ago

#hawaii #singer #lovesong #cancer

If you love this song please make a donation to JV Vidopio who inspired some of the lyrics in this song. He is battling cancer and he is an amazing musician who needs support for his medical bills. There is an interview I did with JV on my rumble channel if you want to hear more about the story behind the lyrics.

donate with this link ✨✨

👉🏽 https://www.spotfund.com/story/63f8233a-29d5-40ed-b8c1-71f5d5e6100b?mibextid=Zxz2cZ

video credits
music written and performed
by Poeina Suddarth
@poeina on youtube

filmed & produced by ​⁠Thrv music@thrvmusic6815 on youtube

#hawaii #livemusic #singersongwriter

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