Sentient World Simulation NWO Modelling You As One Of Their (not-linked-up) Nodes

1 year ago

Good discussion here...

Your "Node" in their SWS (live-time) model of Earth is not functioning until you are brainchipped(linked up)... willingly or covertly. "Starlink" is the Freemason extension of the range of the hivemind of the Tower-Of-Babel.
Once brainchipped, it you interfere with their SWS society-prediction-model outcomes... their A.i. supercomputer (fake-god, "Lucifer") will make corrections to your actions by subliminal dream-control... direct mind-control or maybe even by direct bio-robot-ing your actions to "serve" their self-righteous agenda.

The SWS model will try to stream-line your society into its total-takeover-engine.


If you think you can become a winner helping this system to take over humanity and the old world, then you and your species will go extinct. Luciferians are doing this believing mind-uploads into A.i. are possible(false). You have to resist, or you will be simply laying-down to die for their NWO take-over agenda. The Creator-God gives all it's creatures the desire to survive death. Human awareness is expanded to be able to project into the future and then choose how to survive even better. Sheeple are people less likely to observe and project towards survival.
Expanding your neighbor's awareness is how to resist the NWO... I've been doing that for over 20 years and non-cUlt people are way more aware, now. Positive results, I guess.

If you are attacked by the NWO, your awareness will vastly grow... as your Creator-God keeps you alive with hidden miracles... just like what has happened to me for 18 years. The Creator-God is all around everyone.

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