Van Life Full Time with Her Dog

1 year ago

00:00 Introduction
04:37 What were the biggest challenges in getting started traveling?
06:58 What YouTube channels or books influenced you to travel?
09:10 How much should someone prepare before starting van life full time?
11:55 What have you learned you can’t live without in your van, and what have you learned that you don’t need?
13:20 What tools do you bring with you?
14:20 What are some of the biggest frustrations you face during van life?
15:16 How do you find places to sleep?
18:35 What does your van life budget look like?
21:00 Any money saving tips?
22:30 How are you getting internet?
24:30 How do you travel with Akela?
30:03 What would you say to someone who has concerns about being a solo female traveler?
32:37 What has been your coolest experience while traveling?
36:20 Is van life sustainable?

Linnea and Akela:
Linnea & Akela (
Linnea & Akela - YouTube

Linnea has always had a craving for the outdoors, and one day she decided to give up her “normal” life and trade it in for a home on wheels with her dog, Akela. In today’s show she discusses:

🔨The essential tools for van life, including impact drill with bits, electrical fuses, wire strippers, and an air compressor
🐶How she is able to make her lifestyle work around Akela
🚺The precautions she takes being a female solo traveler

And More!

Videos Referenced from Linnea’s Channel:
VanLife EXPENSES | How much does it REALLY cost? (

Episode 3 of “The Travel Path Podcast” with Bronderlust:
Garrett & Staci | Vanlife•Adventure•Lifestyle (@bronderlust) • Instagram photos and videos


Blue Eti power source


iOverlander | Find your next destination
The Dyrt | Camping near me: Tent, RV sites, Glamping & Cabins
Free Camping Near You | Go Camping for Free! (
onX Maps: GPS Map App for Hunting, Hiking & Off-Roading

🚫Sedona Camping Ordinance:
Ch. 9.10 Offenses Against Public Peace | Sedona City Code (

Brianna Madia (@briannamadia) • Instagram photos and videos
Van Kookz - YouTube

Normal to Nomad Book — Normal to Nomad (

#podcast #travel #linneaandakela #vanlife

*All content from, including but not limited to The Travel Path Podcast and social media platforms, is designed to share general information. We are not experts and the information is not designed to serve as legal, financial, or tax advice. Always do your own research and due diligence before making a decision.

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