The Toxic Dimming of the Earth

8 months ago

For over 100 years scientist have been trying to manipulate the weather. First with cloud seeding to produce rain... then slowly the reasons for weather modification became more nefarious... and since the late 1940's they were used to physically harm that nations enemies. This technology is worldwide now. President Johnson when speaking at a technical institute graduation ceremony (known for working on weather modification), in the early 1960's says... "Whoever controls the weather controls the world!"

This is not hidden information... but it is purposely removed from mainline media... though the government documents and patents are easily searchable.

Today we call this weather modification "Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering" or "Stratospheric Aerosol Injections" which are very toxic metallic nanoparticles sprayed out from planes, causing white streaking across the sky, which eventually spreads out creating clouds... which blocks out the sun. These Chemtrail clouds quickly begin to sink down dropping their toxic metals into the air we breathe... and the air the animals, plants and insects' breath also!

Note: Regular Passenger Planes DO NOT create clouds that stay in the sky the whole day. Regular Passenger planes have Contrails which dissipate after 10 to 15 seconds. But the Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering Injection sprays... also known as Chemtrails which is short for Chemical trails will last all day, even spreading out, causing massive coverage of our skies. You will see these sprays almost every day. But interestingly they usually stop spraying on Saturdays and Sundays. I suppose these Chemtrail pilots want their two days off too. But regular passenger planes don't get days off. And regular passenger planes don't fill our skies with toxic metal nanoparticulate clouds.

Just look up... you will see the difference between passenger planes... and chemtrail planes.

Watch and share this film, which exposes who and why we are being sprayed. We now have sufficient evidence and proof to bring before the House and the Senate to shut these toxic sprays down.

Good scientists have collected what is in these geoengineered spays, when flying into newly sprayed areas of the sky. Patents for how these sprays have been injected into our skies have been found... the only thing stopping them... are the bribed politicians who allowing them to continue.

These geoengineered sprays contain toxic nanoparticulate oxides of aluminum, barium, strontium, manganese, graphene etc.... All toxic! They break down the immune systems of humans, animals, plants and insects.

We must email this video link to our House of Representative and our Senators today! These spray ingredients have gotten into our soil, our plants, and we are consuming tainted food... whether it is organic or not... our food supply has been compromised. But mostly these toxins, especially aluminum has gotten into every human who breaths. And because these nanoparticulates are so tiny... they can even pass through the blood brain barrier and cell walls... there is no where they cannot go. We MUST SPRAYS MUST BE STOPPED!

Educating the politicians and the public is a must. So send this video link to all your circumference of family and friends... and also your Congressmen and Senators. Emergency laws must be passed to stop these sprays! Now! Please share if you care because this affects you, your family and friends and future generations! Thank you for sharing!

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