Cinnamon Desktop Customization | Nord Color Theme

9 months ago

Cinnamon Desktop Customization | Nord Color Theme

LinuxScoop -

Cinnamon is a Linux desktop that provides advanced innovative features and a traditional user experience. The desktop layout is similar to Gnome 2. The underlying technology is forked from Gnome Shell. The emphasis is put on making users feel at home and providing them with an easy-to-use and comfortable desktop experience.

Cinnamon is a popular desktop alternative to Gnome 3 and this spin provides the option to quickly try and install this desktop.

This video will share the ways that will help you how to customize your cinnamon desktop with the Nord color theme. This customize using Linux Mint 21 Cinnamon Edition with the latest Cinnamon Desktop 5.4 series.

You can apply this customize on most popular linux distributions with cinnamon as the default desktop, such as Fedora Cinnamon Spin, Arch Linux with Cinnamon, Gentoo with Cinnamon, Feren OS Cinnamon Edition, Void Cinnamon, and OpenSUSE with Cinnamon Desktop.

Glava Radial Nord Color:

00:00 - Intro
00:08 - Final Result
01:19 - Download Resources
02:30 - Install GTK Theme - Whitesur-GTK-Theme-nord
03:52 - Install Icon Theme - Nordzy icon theme
04:52 - Install Cursors Theme - Nordzy Cursors
05:38 - Install Fonts and Wallpapers
06:34 - Restore Cinnamon Config and Tweaks
09:17 - Install and Config Plank Dock
11:26 - Install and Config Ulauncher
13:00 - Install and Config Conky
14:56 - Install and Config Glava Audio Visualizer
18:22 - Additional Setting
18:28 - Install profile Nord theme for GNOME terminal
19:37 - Set nautilus as a default file manager
21:17 - Custom Firefox Web Browser
22:36 - Change Login Manager Wallpaper

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