Ex-CIA Hacker Sentenced to 40 Years in Prison

1 year ago

#hacking #politics #wikileaks

Joshua Adam Schulte was sentenced to 40 years in prison for crimes of espionage, and hacking, among other things.

John Adam Schulte, a former CIA employee and software engineer, became infamous for his role in sharing classified information with WikiLeaks.

Wikileaks Vault 7&8: https://wikileaks.org/ciav7p1/


On April 20, 2016, when other developers had left the Center for Cyber Intelligence (CCI) office where Schulte worked, he misused his secret server administrator session. He executed a series of cyber-maneuvers on the CIA network, restoring his revoked privileges, breaking into the backups, and stealing copies of the entire CCI tool development archives - called the “Stolen CIA Files.”

Intro/Outro Prod. By Zach Sutton

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