Can You Discharge a Patient Home from ICU Directly?

1 year ago

Can You Discharge a Patient Home from ICU Directly?

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In today’s blog, I want to answer a question that we get quite frequently here at intensive care at home and the question this week is

Can You Discharge a Patient Home from ICU Directly?

Now, what a great question to look at today, because any of you that are familiar with intensive care, the paradigm in intensive care, generally speaking for the last few decades, there’s two options for a patient in ICU, and that is number one they go to a hospital ward after discharge or they die.

So that’s a very limited mindset and it doesn’t serve the clients or the patients, and it doesn’t serve hospitals and intensive care units either. So then the question is, can you go home directly from ICU?

And the short answer to that question is yes, because with services like intensive care at home, you absolutely can go home from ICU directly, especially when it comes to long-term ventilation, tracheostomy, when it comes to BiPAP or noninvasive airway management, patients can go home directly.

And how does that work in practice? Well, it works in practice quite frankly because we replicate intensive care in the home. So basically what we do is we send intensive care nurses into the home 24 hours a day, just like an intensive care unit is staffed by intensive care nurses, 24 hours a day and we do exactly the same in the home care environment.

So from that perspective, we can provide an intensive care substitution service and we can improve the quality of life for patients and their families in the home.

So we basically provide all the equipment that is needed in the home care environment for long-term intensive care patients.

We can provide things like home TPN, which is intravenous nutrition, but we can also provide things like enteral nutrition, like either feeds with a PEG feed tube, or with a nasogastric feed tube.

But overall, we can also provide mechanical ventilation of course. We can provide tracheostomy care. We can provide non-invasive ventilation care such as BiPAP, CPAP...

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