Only one Fellowship is truly needful… Do you love Me, Beloved? 🎺 Trumpet Call of God

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Only one Fellowship is truly needful… Do you love Me, Beloved?

January 31, 2011 – From The Lord, Our God and Savior – The Lord’s Word spoken to Timothy, during an Online Fellowship – For The Lord’s Little Flock, and for all Those who have Ears to hear

Thus says YahuShua-YaHuWaH… I have mourned… Yet who has offered to wipe My tears? I was poured out, mocked, beaten and scourged, and pierced… Yet who has come forward to kiss My wounds?… My own people have rejected Me!…

And those called by My own name have hated Me, and refuse to walk in My ways, nor will they receive of Me… Pushing out the hand always, in favor of their own way.

Even now they continue in their persecution of My body… Their hearts consumed with a bitter and profound hatred, for Me and My servants and the Word of My mouth. What shall be done, beloved? What shall I speak?… What word will they hear, which has not already been given?

And what of you, beloved?… You have entered in, yet who among you has mourned or stopped to consider?! I tell you the truth, you also push out the hand, refusing to be broken, denying the words I have spoken to you by all you say and do.

Pretense and hypocrisy abound, even among you, My little flock… With piety, and judgments without true knowledge, and trust which is easily swayed.

For each of you look outwardly, leaning upon the faith and knowledge of others. You eat little and accept even less, refusing accountability. And when you partake of My words, you read them as one afar off, as one whose ears hear, yet only slightly, straining to listen only when it suits you… Perverse in your segregation… Partaking of My words, as one devours a piece of fruit…

How then shall I heal you?… How then shall you shed the skin of this world? Little flock, how is it you exalt yourselves above the churches, though your eyes remain dim, and your ears, dull?… Seeing and hearing, yet only in part. Or have you forgotten the line, by which those who have the Word of God in their midst are tried? Have you forgotten the time of testing, which was to come and is now here?

Little flock, the time has passed for the churches of men… Will you also come running at the last moment, only to find the door has been shut to you also?

I tell you the truth, none of you truly believe. Your hearts refuse to accept the whole of My word, the absolute truth of who I am… Not one of you will truly believe without seeing.

Even now, tears run down My cheeks, as I behold your hearts. The Day of The Lord is here, yet not one of you tremble, not one of you have told your neighbor… Even among your own beloved, of whom you say you love, have you yet to speak even one tittle of real truth, concerning the heart of the matter.

You say… ‚Look at us, we have seen and heard… Behold, we are the real church, The Lord’s body, a church without walls!‘ Yet you have closed yourselves in, rebuilding every wall which I had torn down.

Hard-hearted generation, wealthy people who want for nothing, you have yet to discern your right hand from your left! I tell you the truth, I am about to shut the door to this table, and you shall be left all alone… What then shall you do, My little flock?…

For there is but one fellowship which is most needful, yet who among you has truly sought to know it?… Therefore, I am about to bring these banquets to a close. For I am The Restoration, The Only Way… Therefore must every church be torn down!

I seek not a relationship of convenience, nor a kiss on the cheek as you swiftly pass Me by… I seek union… You are My heart’s desire, you were made for Me, to the joy of The Father.

Therefore, I ask you once again, beloved… Do you really love Me?… Am I your heart’s desire?… Your one and only consuming passion?

As it is written in Wisdom 68…

True fellowship comes not by words spoken amongst a group of united people… Rather it starts with the heart, and is found in the stillness of My spirit, where My peace mends the broken and My gentle caress gladdens the heart…

For all those found at the feet of The Lord are covered with grace, and those who abide in My love are indeed of one accord… Says The Lord.

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