Democracy's Downward Spiral...!

1 year ago

For Voter Fraud/Voting Machines Being Hacked to succeed BOTH main partys in America must be complicit in 'The Crime' perpetuated on The American People....
YOU have to see the evidence,,, YOU have to take time to see that Democracy in America is not real and both the Democrat Party and The Republicans are in agreement in how They share power with the aim of taking the American People to Living in Slavery to The Evil Elite...
Watch this video to see the Documentry "HBO Full Documentry Hacking Democracy" and you will see The Republicans steal the 2000 and 2004 election with The Democrats covering their backs as they Hacked The Diabold voting machines....!:2

I explain everything BUT go to
to go straight to the documentry that expose's it all.
To see evidence that the Democrats and their Republican allies by their inaction stole the 2020 Presidential election from Trump
200 Mules

AND This is a good/fun video to watch showing many examples of the voter fraud in the 2020 presidential election
Best of Ruby Freeman and US Election Interference

Barnes Discusses Voter Fraud & Michigan Voter Fraud Gateway Pundit Report

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