Victory Runners Review - Is Victory Runners Betting Legit?

1 year ago

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In the past 9 months, there has been a remarkable 228.07pt profit.

The least profitable month was the second month of betting in May 2023, with an 8.2pt profit.
The most lucrative month was November of the previous year, yielding a significant +39.4pt profit.

Every other month has shown a consistent profit, ranging between 20pts to 30pts.

Bets are placed at a level stake of £50 for win bets. The betting strategy involves using Betfair SP, with all profits calculated after accounting for the 5% fees imposed by Betfair.

The commitment required for this strategy should not undertaken lightly, especially considering the objective is not a meager profit of a few thousand pounds with smaller bets. By joining Victory Runners Betting, members receive valuable shared tips, allowing them to bet at their preferred levels without the burden of conducting the extensive analysis themselves while following consistently profitable horse race bets.======================================================

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Full Victory Runners Review here! at

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