EMERGENCY PROGRAMMING - Changing Concentration - Silent Version - ANIMATED TOONS :)

1 year ago

The word subconscious represents an anglicized version of the French subconscient as coined by John Norris, in "An Essay Towards the Theory of the Ideal or Intelligible World. Design'd for Two Parts. The First Considering it Absolutely in It Self, and the Second in Relation to Human Understanding” (1708): "The immediate objects of Sense, are not the objects of Intellection, they being of a Subconscient [subconscious] nature." A more recent use was in 1889 by the psychologist Pierre Janet (1859–1947), in his doctorate of letters thesis, De l'Automatisme Psychologique.[1] Janet argued that underneath the layers of critical-thought functions of the conscious mind lay a powerful awareness that he called the subconscious mind.[2]
In the strict psychological sense, the adjective is defined as "operating or existing outside of consciousness".[2]

Locke and Kristof write that there is a limit to what can be held in conscious focal awareness, an alternative storehouse of one's knowledge and prior experience is needed, which they label the subconscious.

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Arnold Schwarzenegger & Sylvester Stallone & Nicolas Cage & Mif
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& Debra Winger & RJ Mitte & Aaron Paul & Dean Norris & Sonia Choquette & Moira Kelly & Javier Bardem & Kate Winslet & Ray Winstone & Zbigniew Zamachowski & Elijah Wood & Billy Zane
& Renee Zellweger with Treat Williams and Arnold Vosloo

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Sigmund Freud used the term "subconscious" in 1893[4][5] to describe associations and impulses that are not accessible to consciousness.[6] He later abandoned the term in favor of unconscious, noting the following:
If someone talks of subconsciousness, I cannot tell whether he means the term topographically – to indicate something lying in the mind beneath consciousness – or qualitatively – to indicate another consciousness, a subterranean one, as it were. He is probably not clear about any of it. The only trustworthy antithesis is between conscious and unconscious.[7][5]

In 1896, in Letter 52, Freud introduced the stratification of mental processes, noting that memory-traces are occasionally re-arranged in accordance with new circumstances. In this theory, he differentiated between Wahrnehmungszeichen ("Indication of perception"), Unbewusstsein ("the unconscious") and Vorbewusstsein ("the Preconscious").[6] From this point forward, Freud no longer used the term "subconscious" because, in his opinion, it failed to differentiate whether content and the processing occurred in the unconscious or preconscious mind.[8]

Charles Rycroft explains that the subconscious is a term "never used in psychoanalytic writings".[9] Peter Gay says that the use of the term subconscious where unconscious is meant is "a common and telling mistake";[10] indeed, "when [the term] is employed to say something 'Freudian', it is proof that the writer has not read [their] Freud".[11]

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