Organized Gangs Of Illegals Are Breaking Into Homes Across America

1 year ago

Have you all heard about the violent, out-of-control illegal immigration (and related crime) crisis that has been destroying America pretty much since the first day of Joe Biden's presidency? No? Well, we can't really blame you. It's sort of a local story, after all. Or at least that is the opinion of Will Bunch, a columnist for the Philadelphia Inquirer. Yes, even though a gang of illegals violently beat two New York City police officers on the last Saturday in January, THEN were released without bail, THEN flipped off the cameras as they were leaving court, Bunch is baffled as to why the national media is covering it.

Will Bunch @Will_Bunch: “These migrants who got into clash with some NYPD officers -- I can see why it would be a local story but why is the national media obsessing over it? And why is Rupert Murdoch's NY post driving the conversation. This is what a moral panic looks like.” -- Whoo boy, there is so much to break down here, it's difficult to know where to begin. Let's start with Bunch not realizing why the NEW YORK Post would be driving coverage of an attack on NEW YORK police officers. Luckily, people were happy to educate him on that front. -- David Marcus @BlueBoxDave: “George Floyd got in a clash with some Minnesota cops - - I can see why it would be a local story but why is the national media obsessing over it? And why are CNN and The NY Times driving the coverage? This is what a moral panic looks like.”

• More at: Twitchy - Every Word You Just Said Was Wrong: Philly Columnist Whines About Illegal Immigration 'Local Story'
Rumble: CNN Anchor Stunned Into Silence After Panelist Explains Why Illegals Don't Stay In Florida
Twitchy: Amazing: CNN Anchor Left Speechless Learning Florida Puts Criminals in Jail

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