Small Pollution Particles Are The Real Drivers Of Climate Change

7 years ago

Scientists are well aware that aerosols are key factors that influence global climate, but they are still trying get the full image of what these tiny particles could do while they are levitating in the air. The most recent pieces of research indicate that the finest haze of air born pollution can largely contribute to increasing the strength and producing the most potent storms.

The process begins in the saturated tropical air over open oceans and rain forests. The storms that are formed there pull heat from the oceans into the atmosphere and the rain forests below, take it into the atmosphere and put the rain into the rain forest. They are one of the biggest drivers of the global climate and their winds eventually collect the aerosols from all around the world, particles of soot and smoke from fires and sulfates from energy emissions.

It was well known that aerosols acted as boosters of storms but scientists thought the smallest particles were too small to contribute. This new study suggests not only that small particles drive condensation like larger particles do, but when atmospheric conditions are right they are also better at it. This can start a positive feedback loop. When more clouds form, it leads to more rain, warmer air and overall fiercer storms.

There condensation will release more heat in the atmosphere, which creates even more larger and more energetic storms the next time around. And researcher’s expect today’s storms are are result of years of this slow build. Fine aerosols have probably been making storms stronger probably since the emissions started in earnest, back in the 19th century.

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