Israel funding mass immigration

1 year ago

Israel dosent want immigrants or anyone not jewish.

But they will displace all the Muslims in the middle east to your country so they can have it all. They use USA to genocide The middle east then create hate and divison and send these ppl to your country to destroy your country.

Like smashing a hornets nest and running away leaving bystanders taking the full rage of the hornets.

Then with media Hollywood and paid or bought celebrities they psy-op the whole ordeal.

Dont worry yout taxpayers money is being used to destroy you.

Without enough jobs
Hospitals , services, homes , schools , sewage ect mass immigration collapse every country.

Its basically the strongest and the most vicious wins.. not enough resources means a Battle for survival.

The Israel government basically put many bulls in a cage with only enough for 1. Done on purpose to destroy.

Now your lives and safety are in danager. Most ppl from very hard environments will fight to the death for survival something ppl in north America arent ready for

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