Holohoax Memorial, Dragan Glavasic (saviour of the race), Alex Belfield.. victim or PSYOP?

1 year ago

The "truth movement" as it stands, absolutely hate me because 1. I PROVE that WE HAVE FREE SPEECH IN ENGLAND (despite the constant reinforcement of the perpetual lie that we don't), they're all shills that want to end free speech forever and 2. It's a completely closed shop. They want you to think their fake dramas and nonsense situations are all real (which they're not) and you are supposed to be pacified with the crap they put out.

Today I'm having another look at Dragan Glavastic (the big, fat spastic) who is by far ALL YO DADDY'S!!! Yea das rah, Dragan yaw Dadday!!! Yes he is which is why you pussified little bitches won't say a God damn word against this vile little shit channel with his multiple accounts that all 'like' every single video the scum cunt puts out while he advocates for total female submission to the point of voluntarily being toilets for men and talks as if the only use for women is that of a rape victim who is then to be murdered for being such a slut in the first place. You people are fucking disgusting. Yet I'm the one that get's systematically, repeatedly & severely attacked every single video that I put out. Yay! for shitchute and the lies movement!! Yay!!!

Also the Alex Belfield nonsense, where does the nonsense end and reality begin? Is the entire case contrived and just made up bollocks from top to bottom? Or maybe he's a victim of the insane politically correct brigade on the warpath? I'm not sure really.. comments are welcome..

Brief, overview look at 'Walk in Case' by Sandra Daroy. One of the most interesting books I've ever read and certainly something that is worth reflecting on. Huge respect to Sandra Daroy, video interview coming soon. https://www.youtube.com/@miss_sepsis/videos

Thanks for checking the video out today, plenty more fresh content coming soon. Keep it locked on and locked in. Enjoy!

❤meat is murder❤


Contact: adam.sugartree@protonmail.com

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