February 2, 2024

1 year ago


The Illuminati & it's royal bloodline, have been occupying the task of evil indoctrination for decades here on earth. Specific bloodlines which integrate with serpent deities (Reptilian), in the task of wealth and power over the human race. This bloodline could be referred to as
"blue blood" and are apart of inaugurating the
"new world order" of one world dictatorship

Cultures and tribes in every continent on Earth speak of reptilians & attest to this bloodline which can include legends, mythology, biblical, & etc. All independent researchers, have common ground that negative ETs align themselves underground where hundreds of bases with resources are created.

They operate at low levels of frequency & vibration which is why they kill, eat, manipulate & torture, human beings. They cannot stand in the polarity of light. (high vibration) Reptilians are able to take over the human vessel in not only a physical state but in consciousness, & controlling the state through body snatching via quantum field, in required DNA hybrid.
They're Interdimensional beings.

The Reptilians is a greatly misunderstood race due to our limitations in understanding.

The Reptilian Collective consists of branches
1) Reptilian: (Pure DNA).
2) Reptoid: (Human- Reptilian Hybrid).
3) Reptilian Hybrid: (Non-Human - Reptilian
4) Draconian: Similar to the original Reptilians, but they're physical.

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