Fruit of the sPirits of Ol’ Split Hoof | Know Its Not A Misnomer

1 year ago

In Some Circles Lying
and Deceit Is Considered An Art Form

In 2024 you will either get better or you will bitter

I will tell you to go to Texas, if you want to go, and I will tell you not to go to Texas.
No, no, no no no, that’s God’s job. Prayerfully go, if you will.
••• We hear the catch line, quoted from the Bible
John 8:32

The Truth Shall Set You Free
•Free from what or who

The Truth Will Make You Free
31 So Jesus was saying to the Jews who had believed Him, “If you abide in My word[continually obeying My teachings and living in accordance with them, then] you are truly My disciples.
32 And you will know the truth[regarding salvation], and the truth will set you free [from the penalty of sin].”
33 They answered Him, “We are Abraham’s descendants and have never been enslaved to anyone. [d]What do You mean by saying,‘You will be set free’?”
34 Jesus answered, “I assure you and most solemnly say to you, everyone who practices sin habitually is a slave of sin.
35 Now the slave does not remain in a household forever; the son [of the master] does remain forever.
36 So if the Son makes you free, then you are unquestionably free.
(Speaking to the Jews, who were not Jews, but who called themselves Jews, but tHey were of the Synagogue of Satan.)
~ Brozme
Who ultimately is the Father of these Jews, who are Cabal.
Cabal /kə-bäl′, -băl′/
A conspiratorial group of plotters or intriguers.

A secret scheme or plot.
Tradition; occult doctrine.
See Cabala
Similar: tradition

Who is hiding in plain sight SATAN - NATAS. National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences SATAN spelled backwards is (NATAS)
Who else is hiding in plain sight. Walt Disney!
What we thought were cute films were filmed with Walt Disney subliminal messages.
Subliminal Messages, pictures, In Disney and In Advertising

If its not a direct reference; then an hommage to their benefactor.

What is the climax of Satanism?
Some One Must Die of Adam’s Race.

Edwin Starr –
War What Is It Good For?

Again, you may ask, how would Jesus know of what race these men were?

McAllister TV Online
Reptile Eyes

Parts of Speech Noun
Feminine Soros Definition
NAS Word Usage - Total: 1

•an urn or receptacle for keeping the bones of the dead

•the funeral couch or bier on which the Jews carried their dead forth to burial

Matthew 23:27
Who are you GS
George Soros 1998 full "60
minutes" interview
Soros executed

When dealing with these Satanic entities, as in these monsters. To not incur any karmic debt, the jailers, the judges and the executioners; everything must be done by the book.

Every law followed to the t’s crossed and every i’s dotted.
Nothing is left to chance or trickery.
No slight of hand is tolerated and is punished with corporal punishments.
Everything by the Book.

Law of War
PDF enclosed
There are more people in bondage, modern day slavery than all of the people who previously have ever been in slavery.

Eight million souls, with a fresh crop of eight million souls next year for adrenochrome.

Dr. Shiva @va_shiva ("The Destroyer of Phoniness") where he scientifically explains the generation of Adrenochrome.... (So it's clear to me that "Monsters Inc.", curiously from DISNEY, is a documentary).
Henry Kissinger
Why was Henry Kissinger such a polarizing character in history; he represented three sides in any negotiation?

He represented the Rothschild’s banking concerns who had funded both sides of every war since the American Civil War.

Kissinger is a controversial figure after joining the State Department under President Richard Nixon and under Nelson Rockefeller.

David Rockefeller, is the unelected Vice-President under the equally unelected President Gerald Ford.

David Rockefeller owns Rockefeller Plaza and numerous shares in European Central Banks and in the Federal Reserve, US based Central Banks, the IRS, and sits on the board of the Committee of 300.

Under Kissinger’s powers of persuasion of holding the purse strings of all sides of every conflict.

Kissinger was able to make peace between fighting foes by promising to bomb-the-hell out of the noncompliant of the one who would not bend to his will.

As in Vietnam. Kissinger finally punished both sides enough to draw them to Paris Peace Accords.

And on the other hand he would start conflicts to keep the “War Machine” (the Deep State Corporations) as Eisenhower called them the “Military Industrial Complex.”
Eisenhower’s Statement

Since then, the phrase has become a rallying cry for opponents of military expansion.

•Kissinger pioneered the policy of détente with the Soviet Union,

Orchestrated an opening of relations with China,

•Engaged in "shuttle diplomacy" in the Middle East to end the Yom Kippur War, and

•Negotiated the Paris Peace Accords, which ended American involvement in the Vietnam War.

•For his role in negotiating the end of the Vietnam War, he was awarded the 1973 Nobel Peace Prize under controversial circumstances.[5]

•A practitioner of a pragmatic approach to politics called Realpolitik, he has been widely considered by scholars to be an effective secretary of state.[6]

•Kissinger is also associated with controversial U.S. policies, including its bombing of Cambodia,

•Instated in the 1973 Chilean coup d'état, support for Argentina's military junta in its Dirty War,

•Support for Indonesia in its invasion of East Timor, and

•Support for Pakistan during the Bangladesh Liberation War and

•Bangladesh genocide.[7] and

•He was accused of war crimes for the civilian death toll of the policies he pursued, his role in facilitating U.S. support for dictatorial regimes,

•and willful ignorance towards human rights abuses committed by the United States and its allies.

If the Truth Sets You Free! What or Who does it set you free from!
Murder is one of the fruits of Satan. He is also known as the father of lies.

What are the fruit of the spirit of Satan.
Romans 1:29-32

Have nothing to do with the spirits of the children of Satan:
•Gossip, the spreading of malicious rumors

•Greed, me first, me me me only spirit. I once knew a toddler who upon seeing a sweet cake, immediately began to say. “Me Me!” I nicknamed her Meme, by the way she said it so often.

•Creating Strife. By taking away a toy from a smaller toddler

•Being Deceitful, Did you take that toy? No!

•Being Mean-Spirited,

•Slanders, He made me do it!

•Haters of God,

•Insolence, FU spirit


•Boastfulness, always has a one up story

•Inventors of Evil,


•Disrespectful of Parents,

•Void of Understanding,

•Being Untrustworthy,

•Being Unloving,

•Unmerciful and

•Without Pity,

for these are the spirit and the works of Satan.

•After a cleansing, freedom to do what
To have a heart Free of Murder and Lies against Huemanity.
37 I know that you are Abraham’s descendants; yet you plan to kill Me, because My word has no place [to grow] in you [and it makes no change in your heart].

38 I tell the things that I have seen at My Father’s side [in His very presence]; so you also do the things that you heard from your father.”
tHey are vibrational vampires, and or murderous vampires. (Have you been around people who when you leave their presence you feel drained?) tHey are vibrational vampiric beings. (Loosh stealers)
CheckMate - The devil's laughing cuz the man has lost?
If the Son has made you free.
What is the Fruit of the Spirit of the Son.
Galatians 5:22-23
In such things there is no law against these fruit of Spirit, in any place in the Galaxy, in any of Earth’s countries, among any tribes, in any peoples, or at any time in Earth’s history.

•How? With the indwelling of the Spirit of the Son, with the Christ Consciousness, with the indwelling of the Holy Spirit of God, because of the sacrifice of Jesus.
I am sure you know by now, He is a gentle Spirit.
Who must be wooed into your Spiritual heart, as a Lover of humanity.
Who must be included into your Spiritual life on a daily basis on this Earthly plain.

8signs of a High Vibration Person
Love is a Frequency

Ralph Stanley
Assorted Clench Mt Church

Best compilation of Reptiles Eyes

Hidden Truth of the Draconians

Those Executed and Serving Time | Never To Be Seen Again
Look in the description box for a list of those Executed, Awaiting Trial, those in Prison and those serving life sentences at GITMO

Non Monetized
God Supported

End 9,982

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