Shakings in Denmark!

1 year ago

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Prophetic word
10 Jan 2024

Mette Mirani

The Spirit of the Lord is upon me to proclaim liberty to the captives and release to those who are bound. Proclaim a year of favor from the Lord, a day of vengeance from our God, to comfort all those who mourn, give to those who mourn in Zion, festive splendor for mourning, for mourning clothing the oil of joy, praise for a broken heart. They are called the oaks of righteousness, the Lord's planting for his glory.
I will bring shakings in Denmark, there will be tremors that have never happened before. It's going to be seen all over the world. This shaking comes on the Richter scale as a sign that I am cleansing this land of its abominations. Who says that Denmark cannot be shaken? Am I not the God who created Heaven and Earth? I shake every person in Denmark and the rest of the world at this time. Oh Denmark, you think you are safe behind your walls and you think that nothing can hit you. I am the Creator of Heaven and Earth and I shake the abominations up and out into the open. To my church in Denmark, enough with your woke and your transgender friendly communities. I let my cleansing fire come through my people. I shake my people and judge those who have lived a double life. You honor me with your lips, but your hearts are far from me. Judgment has come to my house and I am cleaning out my church, but I have chosen for myself a Remnant who love me and obey me with their hearts, even their whole lives. I say again I shake Denmark. I see 5.7 on the Richter Scale. Five stands for the grace I still have over Denmark, seven stands for rest. Grace is still upon Denmark and my Rest will enter into my rest. I remove the rot and death that comes from the Masonic Lodge and the Royal House. So the inhabitants of Denmark will once again be a free country. Oh, Denmark, you will be a lovely country again.

Isaiah 61
Matthew 24:7

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