Acknowledging Our Sisters and Brothers Service to Us

11 months ago

February 13 - Acknowledging Our Sisters and Brothers Service to Us
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Would you not be grateful to someone who assisted you in shining a light into those dark crevasses of your mind where you still value judgment more than forgiveness, worry more than trust, and anger more than understanding. Would you not be grateful if someone helped you extract these illusionary believes out of your mind, and create a physical manifestation of them so you could more clearly see what stands between you and your truth? And isn’t this, what that sister or brother who has brought out these emotions in you is now doing? Aren't those who “make you” judgmental, worry, or angry really just assisting you, giving you the opportunity to work on your everyday thoughts, actions, and reactions? Are they not gifting you, even at their own peril, the opportunity to become a more forgiving, trusting, and understanding person? Thus, should your response to your sister and brother not be one of deep gratitude for helping you remember who you truly are?
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