A King Bee and the Jailhouse Rock Venom

1 year ago

A King Bee and the Jailhouse Rock Venom
Homemade video by Diane St Laurent, with her honey bees to give an example how much I enjoyed my bees in the front of my house for months while the flowers were being eaten by an over population of deer. This was taken in August 2023 as I had to feed my honey bees earlier this year. Two months before bee-ing arrested, by the OPP Oppressors. Many interesting videos and shots were taken because these bees are my hobby. I even a have a Bee Morgue. Imagine having OPP officers as Free Masons and I have many shots of Mason Bees. They are so tiny in comparison. This is why I believe in God and I too have a mission from God. The simple things in life matter. As a Canadian Independent Researcher who still searching for her brother, born in 1956 I often make references to orphanages like the Duplessis Orphans who were tortured, sexually abused, experimented on and used as guinea pigs while our Canadian Government continues to label these orphans with mental illnesses when they were normal children.
The Bee Keepers Protecting the Hive!!!
Blues Brothers Video Clip of Jailhouse Rock by Universal Studios and clip from Binge Society
A King Bee and the Jailhouse Rock Venom
The Bee Keepers Protecting the Hive!!!
Blues Brothers Video Clip of Jailhouse Rock by Universal Studios and clip from Binge Society
Everyone is vaccinated and full of tattoos. If graphene oxide is in both, then there is going to be some serious consequences in the future. WBAN would explain why they want our DNA. Canada is using prisoners for mental fitness assessments so they can harvest our organs.
No monetary gain is made from this channel. All videos are for parody, commentary and educational purposes only. These videos are also made to protect myself as I am being set up for another arrest and falsely have been accused with no proper representation. I am a Shiksa (non Jew) in a Jewdicial System.
Honey Bee Venom found to cure cancer
The new cancer hope is the garden-variety honeybee after Perth scientist Ciara Duffy found its venom kills aggressive breast cancer.
#kingbee #honeybee #honeybeevenom #jailhouserock #ciaraduffy #hivemind

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