Doug Phillips Supports Michael Peroutka for President (March 3, 2004)

8 months ago

Doug Phillips of The Vision Forum ( tells you why he's voting for Michael Anthony Peroutka for U.S. President in 2004.

(A transcription from video recorded standing the middle of the Peace River, FL)

"Hi Friends,

I'm Doug Phillips, President of The Vision Forum, Inc. I'm standing here in a river - an Ice Age river down here in Southern FL with a group of over 150 home educators - digging up wonderful treasures from the past from ancient Saber-Toothed Tigers to giant Beavers to Mammoths to all sorts of amazing things.

The reason why we are here is because we want to learn from the past. We want to take the past and be able to relate it to the present so we can teach these children how to move forward into the future.

Which is precisely why I want to talk to you about my very good friend, Michael Peroutka, who is running for President of the United States of America.

Michael is one of the most remarkable candidates ever to arise on the scene in the race for the American Presidency. I can say that as a friend of his who has known him for many years, who has observed him with his family - Michael's the real thing.

His wife and he have the same vision - his children share the vision that Michael has. And much like these home educators and these parents and these children that are here today, working together as mothers and fathers, husbands and wives to uncover truths from the past - Michael and his dear bride care desperately about the future of America.

But one reason they do is because they know about the past of America. Michael through his work in Institute on the Constitution as an attorney teaching people about the constitutional foundation of the United States of America, is one of our most eloquent spokesmen for the true principles of Constitutional Law, limited government, and the blessing that God Almighty has given to this great and remarkable nation known as the United States of America.

I want to say that not only does Michael have my vote, he has my unqualified, 100% support.

We live in a day and age when it's difficult to vote for people for President. You have to hold your nose because it seems so often that your vote is a vote between the lesser of two evils.

Michael's candidacy represents something completely different from this altogether. It represents a candidacy, which is based on principle; a candidacy, which stands on the fundamentals of the Constitution; and a candidacy of a man who is the real thing. Somebody who lives, breathes, eats and sleeps the principles that our Founding Fathers not only fought for, but many of them gave their lives for - the principles of freedom, which under gird the true safety of any nation.

I want to encourage all of you not only to vote for Michael Peroutka, but to get to know this man. Go to his website; read his literature. Not only will it infuse in you a sense of excitement and enthusiasm about the up and coming election, but you're going to have something to vote for, something principled to vote for. Something which is in line with the faith that all Christian men and women should bring when they go to the election, to the voting booth this November - and that is the fear of Lord - knowing that is the beginning of wisdom. And that for any country to prosper, righteousness must be at the heart of it. Michael understands that, and that's the heart and the soul of his ministry and his mission as he runs for President in the year 2004 in the United States of America.

Some of you may be asking the question, "Why should I be voting for a third party candidate?" I want to tell you that if you are a Christian and you care about what the Word of God says, the Bible has a great deal to say to you in answer to this question.

One thing we discover in the Bible is that the Bible sets minimal thresholds for any candidate to which we would give our vote. We find out that if a man does not honor the Law of God; if he does not understand that the first principle of government, for example, is the defense of the unborn, then that man isn't even qualified for office.

In Michael Peroutka, you have a man who not only understands the Law of God, who appreciates the Word of God, who respects it, but who will make it the foremost of his thoughts as President of the United States of America.

In a day and age in which people have to hold their noses and they think they need to vote for the lesser of two evils, this year there is a remarkable alternative in the person of a home-educating father. A man who is practicing what he preaches - at home. A man who is following his faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, who understands the Law, who's taught the Constitution to many others, and who really is a paragon example of precisely the type of man we want to see holding office today.

When you vote for Michael Peroutka, you're saying God is sovereign, not man. When you vote for Michael Peroutka, you're saying that there is a standard, which is an absolute standard, a transcendent standard - that's the Word of God. And that God has given us a covenantal system in this country, the United States Constitution - to which men and Christians can happily embrace because of its consistency with the Word of God - Michael understands that; he supports that; he will enforce that.

Michael is a man who not only loves life, loves children, who loves the covenant of life given to him by the Lord Jesus Christ, but Michael is a man who understands the sanctity of life. Unlike every other candidate running for office, Michael believes that every baby's life should be saved. Michael believes that there is no exception in the case of abortion. Whereas both Republican and Democrat candidates believe that it's okay to execute some unborn babies, for example in the case of rape or incest, Michael Peroutka says, "Only God" can take the life of an unborn baby.

As for me, I couldn't in good conscience vote for anybody who would say that it's acceptable for the United States government to give sanction to the execution of God's most precious creatures, the unborn child.

You can count on Michael Peroutka to stand on the Word of God on this defining issue of our age.

So as you approach the polls in November of 2004 and you say, "Can I make a difference?" You bet you can make a difference. You can make a difference by voting your conscience before the Lord. By standing on the Word of God. By only supporting those candidates who meet the Biblical threshold requirements given to us in the Word of God - loving God's Word, honoring God's Word, understanding that the first principle of government is the protection of innocent life. In fact we learn that right after the Flood - and this here, this Ice Age dig, which took place after the Flood of Noah's age, is a testimony to that very time period in history where God began to give us the Law, and the Nation of Israel developed and of course the foundations where given from which the Common Law system that our United States Constitution engrafted into our very legal system came from.

And so, again - Doug Phillips from the Peace River saying, thank you so much for your consideration of the Michael Peroutka candidacy for President in 2004. This is vote you will never regret. You will sleep well at night knowing that you've done something which is right before the Lord in selecting a Christian man who fears God, who understands the Constitution, and who's willing to live and act by the principles which he shares with others.

God bless the United States of America, and God bless the candidacy of Michael Peroutka for President in 2004.

Doug Phillips

Doug's comments do not represent those of any organization.

Be sure and visit Doug online at The Vision Forum"

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(Used under fair use, for commentary, education, criticism and satire.)

This video is for educational, entertainment and social commentary purposes only. The links provided are solely for copyright and sourcing purposes.

* Peroutka, Michael. "What Others Say: Doug Phillips, Esq."., 3 Mar. 2004.

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