UN WARNS HISTORIC RISE IN CANCER! - Why Are Doctors Baffled - Vaccine Deaths SKYROCKET!

1 year ago

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Josh Sigurdson reports on the historic rise in cancer as the United Nations, WHO and media warn of a 77% increase in the rate of cancer in the coming 25 years. The problem is that it's already much worse than that and of course for reasons other than those claimed by the establishment propagandists. Doctors are claiming they're "baffled" by the increased rate in cancer over the past 3 years despite it being blatantly obvious. They're claiming alcohol, tobacco and aging are causing the increased rate of cancer when the elephant is clearly standing in the room with us. It's the injections. In fact, we can trace the rate of cancer with the rate of injections side by side and it almost looks like the same chart. Thai corporate media has reported that covid injections definitely lead to an increased rate in cancers, including so-called "Turbo Cancer." Switzerland health insurance data shows a 73% increase in cancer treatments since 2020. The UK government has released data showing young people dying of cancer at an explosive rate in the past 3 years. US government data has also shown a staggering 143,233% increase in fatal cancer cases linked to covid vaccinations. Now one must understand that that number is based on cases LINKED to covid vaccination, so the number appears high, though keep in mind that likely around 90% of cases are NOT linked to covid injections when they should be. Meanwhile, Moderna has admitted that their injections cause cancer due to the same DNA editing technology that Pfizer uses. This is a global health crisis and there ARE solutions outside of big pharma. From apricot seeds to oils and chlorine dioxide. It's time people take charge of this crisis.

Stay tuned for more from WAM!

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