Part-2 Biography Hazrat Hamzzah | سیرت حضرت حمزہ رضی اللہ عنہ، دوسرا حصہ

1 year ago

Part-2 Hazrat Hamzzah سیرت حضرت حمزہ رضی اللہ عنہ، دوسرا حصہ
Part-2, Biography of Hazrat Hamzah

But the Quraish would not accept the defeat easily. They started to prepare the army and to pull together all powers to avenge their honor and theirdead. They insisted to continue the war. In the Battle of Uhud, all the Quraish went to war together with their allies from the Arabs, under the leadership of Abu Sufyaan once again.

The Quraishi leaders had targeted two persons in the new battle, namely, the Prophet (PBUH) and Hamzah (May Allah be pleased with him). If one had heard them talking and plotting before the war, one would realize that Hamzah was their second main target after the Prophet (PBUH).

Before they went to war, they had already chosen the person in chargeof assassinating Hamzah: an Abyssinian slave with extra ordinary skill inspear throwing. They planned for him to kill Hamzah, his only role beingto hit him with a deadly spear. They warned him not to be busy with anyother preoccupation other than Hamzah, regardless of the situation on thebattlefield. They promised him the excellent reward of his freedom. Theslave, whose name was Wahshiy, was owned by Jubair Ipn Mut`am. Jubair'suncle had been killed in the Battle of Badr, so Jubair said to Wahshiy,"Go out with the army, and if you kill Hamzah you will be free." Afterwards,the Quraish sent Wahshiy to Hind Bint `Utbah, Abu Sufyaan's wife, to givehim more encouragement to kill Hamzah, because she had lost her father,uncle, brother, and son and it was said that Hamzah had been behind theirdeaths.

This was the reason why Hind was the most enthusiastic one of all theQuraish to escalate the war.
All she wanted was Hamzah's head, whatever the cost might be. She spent days before the battle pouring all her rage into Wahshiy's heart and making the plans for him. She promised him if he killed Hamzah she would give him her most precious trinkets. With her hateful fingers she held her precious pearl earrings and a number of golden necklaces around her neck and gazed at him saying, "All these are yours if you kill Hamzah." Wahshiy's mouth wateredfor the offer, and his soul yearned for the battle after which he would winhis freedom and cease to be a slave, in addition to all the jewelry decoratingthe neck of the leading woman of the Quraish, the wife of its leader, andthe daughter of its master. It was clear then that the whole war and thewhole conspiracy were decisively seeking Hamzah.

The Battle of Uhud started and the two armies met. Hamzah was in the middle of the battlefield in battle dress and on his bosom he put an ostrich feather that he used to wear while fighting. He was moving everywhere cutting off the head of each polytheist he reached among the army of the Quraish. Itseemed that death was at his command. Whenever he ordered it for anyone itreached him in the heart.

The Muslims were about to gain victory and the defeated army of the Quraish started to withdraw in fright, but the Muslim archers left their placeson the mountain to collect the spoils of war that the Quraish had left.If they had not left their places, giving the Quraish cavalry the chanceto find a way, the battle would have ended as a gigantic grave for all theQuraish, including men, women, horses, and even cattle.

The Quraish attacked the Muslims by surprise from the back and started strilang them with thirsty swords. The Muslims tried to pull themselves together, picking up the weapons they had put down upon seeing the Quraish withdrawing, but the attack was too violent. When Hamzah saw what had happened, he doubled his strength and his activity. Hamzah was striking all around him while Wahshiy was observing him, waiting for the right moment. Let us hear Wahshiy himself describe the scene.

I was an Abyssinian man who used to throw the spear in an Abyssinian way that scarcely misses its target. When the armies met I searched for Hamzah till I found him in the middle of the crowd like a huge camel. He was killing every one around him with his sword. Nothing could stop him. By Allah, I prepared for him. I wanted him. I hid behind a tree so that I might attack him or he might come close to me. At that moment Sabaa'u Ibn `Abd Al-'Uzzaa approached him before me. When Hamzah glanced at him he shouted, "Come to me, you son of the one who circumcises!" and he hit him directly in the head. Then I shook my spear till I was in full control over it and threw it. The spear penetrated him from the back and came out from between his legs. He rose to reach me but could not and soon died. I came to his body and took my spear and went back to sit in the camp. I didn't want anything else to do with him. I killed him only to be free.

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