Holodomor – Death by Starvation – The Ukrainian Genocide Disguised as Famine – Very Few Know this

7 months ago

This is a brief story of the Ukrainian Genocide that so few know about and acknowledge.

The Holodomor – also known as the Great Ukrainian Famine. Stalin, who was the leader of the Bolshevik faction of the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party – destroyed the farmers and starved millions of Ukrainians.

The Holodomor was a man-made (Bolshevik – Stalin) famine in Soviet Ukraine from 1932 to 1933 that killed millions of Ukrainians. It was a DELIBERATE Genocide by starving people to death.

Guess who came to the rescue to stop this in 1941? GERMANY.

Then as the communists began to win the war, Stalin in 1941 ordered the “Torch-Men Order” – Command No. 0428 – one of the most evil orders ever.

It ordered that Russian Soldiers disguised in German Waffen-SS uniforms was to destroy ALL Settlements and to Ruthlessly KILL the Civilian Population.

They deliberately left some survivors for their propaganda set up story that the German SS did all of this.

This was an act of Genocide as a False Flag PSYOP.

Nothing has changed today.

I wouldn't be surprised if that Drone Attack on US Soldiers was our own, with the purpose to blame on Iran so we can go to war and kill some Iranians.

If you want to learn more about this, watch this Video: Russian Gulag System - 1917-1933 - Part 1

SOURCE: The Wake Up Project -- https://odysee.com/@Anon:96/video_2023-08-05_08-05-14:0

END. 2/2/2024.

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