OCP LIVE w/ Bobby Cleveland

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ft. Rep JJ Humphrey, Julie Thompson, RDN, LD and Chief Jason Lemons.

Today we will address Director Harpe, while in his office where he has a safe accidently fires his pistol into the cement floor then violates policy.

The use of force policy OP 050108 states In the event a weapon is discharged, intentionally or accidentally, the employee will be drug tested as soon as possible in accordance with OP-110602 entitled

?For-cause Drug and Alcohol Testing Program.

They didn't do this. Claimed it was not necessary. Rules for thee but not for me.

Oklahoma Corrections Professionals is a statewide association for Employees of the Oklahoma Department of Corrections, and the Pardon and Parole Board. We are dedicated to improving the image, benefits, compensation, working conditions and retirement for all Corrections and Criminal Justice Professionals.


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