Word Magic – How Words can be used as Magic Spells to Control the Masses

1 year ago

MAGIC -- the "Art of Influencing Events and producing marvels using Hidden Natural Forces."

The vocalization of words produces frequencies and vibrations that can be used to direct energy - one of the first effects to creating magical effects. Word Magic is the Art of Directing and Controlling Energy. Most believe that magic is make believe or no real. If they only really knew how much it is used to control us all right now.

The entire world is run by Magic. It is right in front of us. We just are not familiar with how to recognize it.

Some of the Worlds top "Leaders" like Hillary Clinton practice the art of magic. They like to use magic for power and evil purposes instead of benevolent purposes of making this world a wonderful planet to live on.

The MOST Powerful thing in the Universe is ENERGY. If you knew how to control and manipulate it you would be one of the most powerful people on the planet.

Magic defined is the "Art of Influencing Events and Producing Marvels using Hidden Natural Forces."

Magic has a strong relation with Magnetic and Electrical Energy. Magnetic has the world Magic in it.

Magic combines Words with Sacred Geometry. The words have powerful Sound Tones and Vibrational Patterns. Tesla said the secrets to the Universe is Energy, Frequency and Vibration.

SOUND is able to direct Energy. Sound carries certain frequency patterns. Sound is a natural force used to create Crystaline Structures.

The POWER of WORDS and SOUND can be used to direct Energy. Words can be more powerful than guns.

Nearly ALL words in the English Language are designed and put together in a way that produces magical effects so that the Dark Magician can EASILY trick you.

Humanity has been enslaved by Spells. It has blinded us all from the TRUTH.

The movie the Matrix is not just a movie, it was an Experiment by the Dark Magicians to see how we would react to a movie that was telling us what was really happening.

The Dark Magicians run Hollywood and they love telling us what they are doing to us and what they have planned for us via their movies and TV "Programming."

The Binding Power of Words and Contracts -- one world they love using is CONTRACT - CON TRACT. Con = Trick Tract = Treatise. When we sign a contract we are signing a Treatise full of Trickery.

When we sign a contract with a Corporation or the Government we are Agreeing to a Fraudulent and Deceptive Treatise.

Deciphering Words for Deeper Meanings -- they designed words in Layers. We have to break down the layers to find true meanings and intentions. They use the Art of Anagrams in the English language. Look at the Origens, Prefixes and Suffixes.

Words can be used as Magic Spells. When we speak words we are casting our thoughts and Vibrations into the Earth's Magnetic Field or "Magic Field" which is the ENERGY Field that Creates the REALITY of Earth.

If we are not conscious of this we can unintentionally Cast Spells.

One of the first things we learn in school is how to spell. We learn the Alphabet which are Letters Designed using Sacred Geometry. These letters are Ideograms, written letters symbolizing the idea of a thing without indicating the sounds used to say it.

ALL Written Symbols are created into Existence from the Egg and the Serpent which represent a Religion of the Secret Society. After learning the Alphabet we are taught to spell which is to give us the ability to cast spells.

MAGIC SPELLING – the hidden intent of Spelling is to cast Magic Spells.

SOURCE: Max2020 -- HTTPS://www.bitchute.com/video/i9XUpbWXOq80/

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