KIM GOGUEN | INTEL | Cease and Desist of all activities including CHEMTRAILS - Have they stopped ?

1 year ago

KIM GOGUEN | INTEL | Cease and Desist of all activities including CHEMTRAILS - Have they stopped ?

Thomas Melville - US Deputy Director at Global Intelligence Agency (THE VILLAGE IDIOT)

Posted from his linkedin
"I am ORDERING a complete Cease and Desist of all activities (all manufacturing, dissemination, and study of biological chemicals, including CHEMTRAILS) in Ukraine and Globally as well as an an immediate halt to all NATO, US and UK war activities. An investigation has started into this matter and any one whom chooses not to comply with this order directly by the GIA Director Kimberly Goguen (Lv 75) and Myself (Lv 72) will be held accountable and will be considered an act of TREASON from this day forth!! "


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