Did Boris Johnson Or The BBC Breach The Online Safety Law? - UK Column

7 months ago

Did Boris Johnson Or The BBC Breach The Online Safety Law? 
Sources: www.ukcolumn.org/video/uk-column-news-2nd-february-2024
- Crown Prosecution Service: Illegal sexual behaviour online including sharing and threatening to share intimate images and cyberflashing targeted in new CPS guidance
- GOV.UK: Online Safety Act: new criminal offences circular
- Police Professional: Online abusers, trolls and predators now face prison under new criminal offences
- Legislation.gov: Online Safety Act 2023: PART 10 Communications offences
- UK Column Article (2020): Covid Coercion: Boris Johnson's Psychological Attack on the UK Public
- BBC (2020): Boris Johnson announces four-week 'stay at home' order

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