AI and Understanding Dark Sentences

10 months ago

One of the most alarming trends in this end time is the rise of artificial intelligence. AI has the potential to become a Frankenstein monster of our own design. Discover how the “dark sentences” of artificial intelligence are foretold in your Bible.

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Your Bible warns of a German strongman rising on the world scene in this end time. He will be empowered by evil spirit forces and understand “dark sentences.” Control over technology such as artificial intelligence will allow this German strongman to lead a mighty war-making empire in conjunction with a great false church.

Request our free booklet Germany and the Holy Roman Empire to expose this deadly church-state superpower. We are witnessing the seventh and final resurrection of the Holy Roman Empire in Europe today. Almost every iteration of this empire has been led by Germany!

People remember the murderous legacy of Adolph Hitler, but how many realize that he drew inspiration from a long line of tyrants who came before him? Every time a counterfeit church and a strong leader have joined forces in Europe, indescribable horrors have resulted! And Germany has been the main culprit. The German people have many strengths, but historically and prophetically, they excel at starting wars!

Study Germany and the Holy Roman Empire to discover the startling history of cooperation between a bloodthirsty nation and a power-hungry church. Understand how Germany never eliminated its Nazi elements after World War II—the war machine simply went underground to prepare for one last attempt at global domination. Learn how German militarism has achieved such shocking success only with the help of a dark religious movement.

Also request our free booklet Human Nature: What Is It? There are two main beliefs about human nature: that it is good and always improving, or evil and always getting worse. Your Bible calls human nature desperately wicked!

Since humans created artificial intelligence, you can expect it to take on the desperately wicked nature of humans. This unstable technology is constantly evolving. The only way to truly understand it is to understand human nature—what it is, where it came from, and how to control it. For this all-important truth, study Human Nature: What Is It?

You will also receive a free copy of Gerald Flurry’s reprint article “AI and Understanding Dark Sentences.” You need to know the destructive capabilities of artificial intelligence—and how one man in particular intends to wield this weapon very soon.

All our literature is available free of charge, at no cost or obligation to you. Request Germany and the Holy Roman Empire, Human Nature: What Is It?, and “AI and Understanding Dark Sentences.” Order now!

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