David Martin Summary of Our World Crime Cabal - We the People MUST All Rise Up and Fight Back

11 months ago

David Martin an informational and patent expert. Documents prove the Covid enhanced virus and Covid injections are both bioweapons. This world wide take over agenda has been planned for a very long time by global psychopaths.
Who? Bill Gates, Klaus Scaub and his sidekick Hurrari, The Davos Click, The entire Pharmasuitcal Industry, ALL the United States ACB agencies taken over.
We the People need to immediately realize that there has been a coup d'eta of the United States Government long ago. 911 was the final step destroying our liberties and freedoms with the Patriot Act and mass surviellience of all Americans every action in daily life.
Those injected are suffering, cancers and brain damage and damage to every organ is occurring two-three and more years out. Self assembling nano-circuitry connecting to the internet? This is friggin insane folks.
We CAN END it fast by all waking up and standing up for Freedom. Demanding Justice for the crimes of the last four years.. for 911 too. Same criminals. The 911 criminals did not just blow up New York and go away!
In case you may want to donate for my research time to post here is my Bitcoin address, and thank you much!

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