Ep. 28 - Top 9 Flat Earth Proofs Debunked By Astrophysicist Hugh Ross

1 year ago

Here it is. The one you've all been waiting for!

In this discussion with #astrophysicist and pastor Dr. Hugh Ross of @RTB_official we scientifically #debunk the top 9 #flatearth talking points. They are:

1. Are all images of the earth from #space by #NASA are #cgi
2. On a globe, who's upside down and who's rightside up?
3. Why can we zoom in on objects beyond the horizon or past the curve?
4. Why does the sun and moon seem to rise and set in the clouds?
5. Why do some flight paths look like straight lines on a flat earth?
6. Why don't the #constellations change when on a night flight?
7. If the globe is hurdling through space at 1m mph, why haven't the stars ever changed position over the millennia?
8. Why doesn't our atmosphere, or everything, fill the vacuum of space if there's no #firmament over the earth?
9. Is #gravity even real?

It's #funny, but I bet everyone of us knows somebody that believes, or allows for the possibility, that the earth is flat. In this episode we talk to the man, the myth, the legend Dr. #HughRoss about this #ancient theory that has resurfaced with quite the #cult like following.

Dr. Ross was gracious enough to come back on the show to discuss the flat earth movement from a scientific perspective, and really put the issue to rest, in my personal opinion. We watch short clips of the most commonly used arguments by flatearthers to make their argument and Dr. Ross gives his scientifically based response to each of these talking points.

I learned a few things in this video myself and I hope this will be a great resource for people to send to their flat earth friends next time the issue comes up.

You can find more from Dr. Ross and his whole crew of scientists and brainiacs at https://reasons.org


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