1 year ago

Welcome to Part 4 of the Power Up Series! Connecting to nature can be a powerful form of healing. But did you know there are forms of energy emitted from the Earth that are also harmful? Geopathic Stress is a form of radiation created from underground, running water, caves, oil veins, fault lines, etc. These areas wreak havoc on the human body, especially when sleeping or working over top of them. This energy is so powerful that dis-ease will begin to develop from this exposure. The simple solution...relocate to an area free of geopathic stress. It could be 1 foot away or 1 mile away but your health will begin to improve vastly.

Lisa Richards is a Frequency Influencer, Meditation Master, Spirit Communicator, & Dowser. She's the owner of Pyramid Surge where she intuitively designs powerful, energy transformation tools as well as accessories for Meditation Pyramids. She is Head Researcher and Vice Chairman of the Pyramid Science Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to pyramid energy research. She's Co-Host of the Pyramid Science Foundation Livestream, Co-Host of the Sovereign Sister's Podcast and soon to be Host of her newest podcast, Alter Ether.

Lisa is a Seeker of Ancient & Forbidden Knowledge which has been intentionally hidden from us to dim our shine. The Alchemist in her plans to transform the world! Humanity must awaken to their true potential!

It's time to POWER UP!

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