unique burger!! Japanese chicken burger & cheese steak burger - Korean street food

1 year ago

unique burger!! Japanese chicken burger & cheese steak burger - Korean street food 끼룩푸드 seagull food 158 thousand Like 20,027,322 Viewing March 6 2023 #burgers #koreanstreetfood #homemadeburger unique burger!! Japanese chicken burger & cheese steak burger - Korean street food We, Seagull Food, try to introduce street food, fast food, desserts and snacks with ASMR tingle cooking and footage. How can I support Seagull Foods?! HIT THE SUBSCRIBE BUTTON, THUMBS UP AND BELL! ♥ Subscribe Every film is made without any expense Please contact us if you want to make a delicious video :) Thank you for watching our video! 💌Price Steak cheeseburger: KRW 15,400 / USD 14.5 Chicken burger: KRW 12,400 / USD 11.5 💌Location https://goo.gl/maps/7LBBy4TnqQSy1md26 #burger #homemadeburger #koreanstreetfood

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