Spiritual Activism with Matt Landman

1 year ago

This week on the Wisdom and Knowledge 5 Podcast I welcome Matt Landman who is a leader in geoengineering/chemtrail and, 5G awareness among many other topics and causes that affect our health and all of humanity. Through his grassroots activism which includes his documentary film Frankenskies that is one of the best documentaries out on Geoengineering/chemtrails, interviews, and international summits, Matt also has his own website Actual Activists where he has resources as well as articles on several topics that pertain to what is going on in the world and what is affecting humanity. He also owns Spero EMF protection Clothing which has lots of clothing and items to protect you against EMF radiation.

Topics of discussion in the podcast include geoengineering, our food supply and what are the best foods to eat, activism and the right way to present information to others and much more. You don't want to miss a minute of this incredible interview.

Here are the links to Matt's websites.

Actual Activists-www.actualactivists.com

Spero Protection Clothing-www.sperogear.com

Frankenskies Documentary- www.frankenskies.com

If you are on Instagram, be sure to follow Matt's Instagram page.

Also follow my Wisdom and Knowledge 5 Instagram page to stay up to date with the podcast and to get the latest posts.
Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/wisdomandknowledge5/

Subscribe to the Wisdom and Knowledge 5 Podcast, which is available on the following platforms.

Spotify- https://open.spotify.com/show/3Pt6otFYAjCMv6un1ScCgK

Bitchute- https://www.bitchute.com/channel/5wJsK29XD30n/

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