Adyashanti - Faith, Doubt, & Prayer

1 year ago

This specially recorded program is a heartful dialogue between Adyashanti and the Executive Director of Open Gate Sangha, Jerilyn Munyon.

Together they explore how faith, doubt, and prayer play important roles in the ever-changing landscape of the spiritual journey. This conversation shows how faith is interwoven throughout life, and how to use doubt as an integral and intimate part of spiritual inquiry.

Adyashanti and Jerilyn open up a space in which to discover the dynamism of prayer, while gently encouraging us to examine our relationship with the unknown in every moment and realize our inherent completeness.

For the complete talk, check out:

#nonduality #satsang #advaitavedanta #selfrealization #enlightenment #adyashanti #spiritualawakening #meditation

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