Sister2Sister 02-01-2024 | Deliverance from Envy | Gratitude

1 year ago

Welcome to sit at the feet of Wisdom with our honorable special guest host Mother Carol, house of Pastor Charles Jr. Dowell and Mother Jennifer, house of Elder Rufus.

Steps towards gratefulness:
- Developing a close relationship with Yah
- Don’t complain, even to yourself. About ANYTHING. Even in your mind.
- Don’t speak more than you listen.
- Being grateful even through trials and difficulty.
- Being content with who the Most High made you.

" If you are not happy with what you have, you won't be happy with what you get."
- Mother Carol

O come, let us sing to the Most High;
let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation!
Let us come into his presence with thanksgiving;
let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise!
For YAH is a great God,
and a great King above all the creation.
Psalms 95 by Mother Carol 🙌

Every 5th Day, Thursday 6:00pm CST / 7:00pm EST
Call to Live Broadcast (1)-515-602-9654, or 310-982-4226
To speak with a hosts, Sister Ashley & Mother Jennifer, press 1# to be placed on caller queue.

A Broadcast For Sisters. Becoming a Holy, Set-Apart, Daughter of YAH is of great price.
Tune in to fellowship, calls and biblical discussion concerning the woman of the Israelite Faith. to the University of the Painful Truth!!!

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