The Border Invasion Verified

11 months ago

The Border Invasion Verified: Foreign Military Forces Infiltrating Through Southern Border; Veteran FBI Agents Warn

In a letter written to Congress by 10 retired FBI agents including former directors, assistant directors and special agents in charge, every concern facing the American people was verified. President Biden’s threat to force Texas Governor Abbott to face the consequences should Texas not abide by the Biden Administration’s demand that razor wire be removed from the Texas border so that millions more non naturalized military aged men could flood the border to go who knows where to prepare for who knows what has, so far, resulted in The White House freezing new natural gas-export licenses. As if Biden were sanctioning a foreign enemy.

Meanwhile, Texas Governor Greg Abbott, WEF member and reoccurring Davos attendee was on the other side of the world in India, opening a back door for globalism in Texas with the Texas Economic Development Corporation.

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