JUAN O SAVIN- Justice for AMERICA, A Team Effort- John Michael Chambers 2 1 2024

1 year ago

Juan did two short clips for John Michael Chambers today and a week ago. We the TEAM need to seek divine guidance as this year is the year of JUSTICE.
The situation in Argentina goes back to the Three Letter Agencies. Juan Points out the Nikola Tesla New Physics and the way of the Future that will be introduced to us when we get a handle on this political situation.
Today having headed "down South" he is working in Argentina. Because he knows that the world will be "turned on it's head" when this new Tech is introduced. His Mission from God takes him all over the World to introduce and put together TEAMS in other locations that will be seeking our God Led abilities to move into the New Era of Christian Faith and Brotherhood.
Energy production and independence will be coming in our lifetime.. it will change the balance of the World.
The World will Change Radically.. just be on the Right side of History.
It's going to be amazing.

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