Feb 2024 Psychic Predictions

11 months ago

Predicted the battle of ships over a trade route near Saudi Arabia June 29th 2023: https://youtu.be/8sFMyL3VoZs
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February 2024 Psychic Predictions notes:

Joe Biden rolling tanks into Yemen
confident, getting resources, destroying Yemen, being handed a crown and a diamond.
Positive month for Biden. Wants US to do well, but manipulated by international corporate powers. (patreon in the past).
(saying things after the fact?)
Predicted June 29th 2023: "Drama: Ships coordinate movement, could be around Saudi Arabia."
Joe Biden controlling trade route he can. needs it. Losing trade elsewhere. trying to establish dominance to compete. One of few areas US controls into future.
Joe Biden more and more interested in military application, drawing new airplane. Working with international corporate powers based in Europe that are using his power in exchange for boosting the US power. This is what Biden believes to be the best option. This is however transfering a lot of the power out of the US into a network of international corporations that control the technology and therfore control those dependant on their technology. They want to be mroe in control of resources and they are working with Biden to have a hand in the trade routes around Yemen with the US.

Bitcoin: Good month over all. Goes near 49k around 12th of February, drops back down, goes back up again around 25th, but doesn't come back down as much that time. volatility between 40-50k. Ends on a good note before blasting off higher into March followed by a big crash. Find more details patreon. Support my work by giving this a thumbs up, consider subscribing.

Stalemate in Ukraine, continued bloodshed in Gaza, seems to lessen after March.

Benjamin Netanyahu, prime minister of Israel will benefit from more support by the US.

Positive energy for people in the US. Month of change.

Good for: making big changes, cranking out the work (getting things done), focus on the end goal. Taking a leap of faith can pay off this month.

Bad for: Bringing up old arguments (no longer relevant, move on with the new frequencies/changes), putting out a candle - inner work (connecting externally is more important this month).

We are reacting to the recent energy upgrades, now is the time to take action and change things in your life.
Nervous system, comfort gold energy. Sedative, indulgent.

Word of the month: Charm. Do what brings charm to your life. This is important to help funnel the new earth frequencies into the most magical charming future for the next 3 years beofore we are ready for a new assessment.

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