Article 4631 Video - International Public Notice: Motives of Genocide By Anna Von Reitz

1 year ago

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Article 4631 Video - International Public Notice: Motives of Genocide - Thursday, February 1, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

There is no excuse, no lawful basis, no legal basis for what the Biden Administration is doing here in this country or abroad.

Let us make this abundantly clear: Joe Biden is the "President" of the "White House Office, Inc." and nothing else. He is the President of what remains of the Dutch East India Company, nothing else.

He is not the President of The United States. He is not the President of The United States of America.

He is a con artist, a phony, a fall guy, an actor. Literally. And the election process that elected him was phony, too, quite apart from any wrong-doing or voting machine hacking or mail-in ballot fraud. It was already a three-dollar bill.

No, the elections in this country have been tainted with fraud since the 1850's.

This is when the United States of America, Incorporated, the British Territorial Subcontractor, started holding "public private" elections, and poured tons of money into political parties and campaigns and talking up the importance of having the ability to "vote".

Little did the victims realize that the "enfranchisement" that these British Snake Oil Salesmen were selling was an undisclosed "opportunity" to give up their identity as free men and women and as Americans, for the privilege of adopting the second-class political status of a U.S. Citizen (human) voting in the private corporate elections of a bankrupt British Corporation, so that they could inherit its debts.

That wasn't ever disclosed to the American Public. Guess you can all see why.

That's how Lincoln got elected. And that is the Office he got elected to. The British Territorial corporation dba the United States of America, Inc. was on the verge of bankruptcy and did go bankrupt in 1863.

So, how did Lincoln get into the White House?

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