Katherine (Kay) Pollard Griggs Interview (1998) important! see notes in comments.

1 year ago

Publication date 1998
by Pastor Rick Strawcutter
U.S. Army Special Forces, Military Intelligence, Cherry Marines, Whistleblower, North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), Lebanon, United States, Colonel George Griggs, General Al Gray.
Kay Griggs (Katherine Pollard Griggs) was the wife of U.S. Marines Col. George Griggs and a personal friend of White House Correspondent Sarah McClendon. During a bitter 1998 divorce, Griggs gave a remarkable 7.5 hour long video interview for her pastor, Rick Strawcutter. Per Griggs, her husband was involved "wet ops", which made him bitterly depressed. He would drink himself to near blackout state and tell about is improper and illegal activities for the U.S. Government and NATO. Due to threats on her life, Griggs initially filmed the interview as a dead man's switch, and it features shots of documents and photographs corroborating her story.

The interview was conducted in 1998, possibly initially released on VHS, while Sofia Smallstorm offered a digital version on DVD from around 2005.

Independent researcher Brendan O'Connell states that the Griggs interview is 100% authentic and offers the clearest and most raw loow at the shadow government. Investigative journalist Joël vad der Reijden concludes that in 1998 Kay Griggs was largely authentic but later became a disinformation asset, which years later, we know is untrue. The Deep State always tries to cover their tracks, while throwing it in everyones face.
Amazing how much of this has and will continue to come out. Remember this video was produced in 1998, that is 26 years ago. Kay released much in this video, that we know is truth. Hope you all enjoyed this video of information. As with anything, think for yourself, do your own research. Thank you.

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