Former Zuckerberg Executive Unveils Damning Stats on Instagram

1 year ago

While Mark Zuckerberg was censoring "misinformation," one of his former executives has revealed some damning stats:

• 37% of girls aged 13 to 15 were exposed to unwanted nudity on Instagram.

• 24% of them said they'd experienced unwanted sexual advances on the app.

• And 17% of them said that self-harm content had been pushed on them on Instagram.

The FBI, in recent years, has moved agents off of child sex trafficking cases and instead had them investigate Trump supporters as possible domestic terrorists.

On top of that, the Missouri versus Biden lawsuit brought forth evidence that the FBI does collaborate closely with these social media apps, but not to censor sexual predators.

Instead, the lawsuit revealed that the FBI was collaborating with social media companies to censor true information associated with elections.


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