Anne Hamilton & Dr Sharnael Names, Etymology and Gods Poetry

1 year ago

Coming up this week on Dr. Sharnael True TV: Anne Hamilton & Dr. Sharnael Wolverton Sehon - Names, Etymology and God’s Poetry

Tune in on Thursday, February 1st at NOON CST! ✨

I have always been so fascinated with words and names. The whole process of naming my kids, my animals, and my foster animals has always been so CONSCIOUS. I always felt in my heart the importance of it!

Did you know there is a science to this?

Have you ever wondered about the power of your name? Is there anything to it being WRITTEN? SPOKEN over you all your life?

Ann has documented thousands of examples now about how we tend to embody our actual names, how it ultimately affects us and how we live! Even when we have name changes how personalities and life paths actually CHANGE!

You will not want to miss this episode! Tune in and find out your personal destiny to your name!

Author and Mathematician Anne Hamilton and Dr. Sharnael discuss frequency, call, cymatics, names, Etymology, and Gods Poetry.

Anne’s website

Best spiritual name book 📖

Life changing Gods Poetry ... the identity and destiny encoded in your name 💜

Dr. Sharnael Wolverton Sehon - founder of Dr. Sharnael True TV & Swiftfire International, author, naturopathic doctor, and conference speaker specializes in igniting all to TRUTH and TRUE wholeness path mind, body and spirit. Dr. Sharnael has done this through speaking in over 44 countries, writing 5 books including “The Science of Miracles”, producing her Crystal Oils and Decree Deck, and using online classes, social media, and Swiftfire TrueTv. Dr. Sharnael True TV's focus is bringing light and healthy conversation to topics in current world events and issues many are facing today, as well as the resolutions to these issues.

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I invite you to a transparent and honest conversation!

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