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1 year ago

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We have the best in class ingredients/extracts, 206 granted patents, 34 human clinical studies, 92 peer reviewed publications, 51 toxicological studies.

The history of Fenugreek
Fenugreek’s roots stretch back to ancient civilizations. Among the first to recognize its potential were the Egyptians, Evidence of Fenugreek’s value was unearthed within the tomb of famed Pharaoh Tutankhamen, showcasing its importance in an era long past. Centuries later, fenugreek made its way to Europe, captivating the palates of the Ancient Greeks and Romans. Fenugreek’s ability to enhance flavors was cherished, contributing to its place in culinary history. Fenugreek was not confined to a single region – it transcended boundaries, captivating the world with its diverse applications. In India, it holds a distinguished position, cherished in both Ayurvedic medicine and traditional cuisine. Fenugreek’s presence in cuisines, from the Middle East to South Asia speaks to its ability to transcend cultural barriers. Its relevance in medicine, as an herb, and a potential aid showcase its adaptability and enduring importance.

From Soil to Table
In the arid and remote landscapes of Rajasthan, fenugreek seeds are sown during the onset of dry, cool, sunlit winter conditions – an environment that nurtures their growth. The planting ground is meticulously leveled and enriched with nutrients. This serves as a fertile bed for the seeds to flourish. Under optimal conditions, Fenugreek plants thrive over the course of approximately 90 to 100 days, displaying vibrant dark green leaves and yielding an abundance of pods. A transition occurs as the plants mature, marked by the leaves taking on a yellow hue and pods assuming a yellowish tint. It is at this juncture that the process of harvesting commences, and the pods are collected and bundled before being exposed to the sun for 6 to 7 days. The seeds are separated from their pods once the crop attains the desired level of dryness. This intricate process involves cleaning, grading, and threshing.

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Disclaimer: This disclaimer applies to all and any content in this or outside of this profile in regards to Dr. Tim Harrigan, Chiropractic Physician, anywhere in any types of media. This presentation is meant for informational purpose only. Any communication or presentation is not meant to diagnose, prevent, treat or cure any disease. The content is solely the opinion of Dr. Tim Harrigan, BSc, Chiropractic Physician. Please speak with your healthcare provider regarding any change in your healthcare plan. The information contained anywhere should not be construed as a claim or representation that any procedure or product mentioned constitutes a specific cure, palliative, or ameliorative for any condition. The FDA has not evaluated these statements. Products and/or information related to, or contained in, or referenced, are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.

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