President Reagan Press Conference: 10/13/1987

1 year ago

News conference by President Ronald Reagan.
Topics covered: The economy and potential budget negotiations for new taxes, action in the Persian Gulf, Stock Market, Nomination of Judge Bork.
Including questions by:
Terence Hunt, Associated Press: Economy
Helen Thomas, UPI: Persian Gulf, Iran
Ellen Hume, Wall Street Journal: New taxes possible
Charles Bierbauer, CNN: Economy, stock market
Judy Feldman, Transfeature: Persian Gulf, support from the Soviets
Chris Wallace, NBC News: Can you stop the Ayatollah
Frank van der Linden, Sacramento Union: Restoring public confidence in the economy
Sam Donaldson, ABC News: Will you compromise on the budget
Bill Plante, CBS News: Will you veto a tax increase
Peter Maer, Mutual Broadcasting: Isn’t the White House equally culpable for the budget mess
Susanne Schaffer, Associated Press: AIDS panel
Max McCarthy, Buffalo Evening News: Economy and trade, common market for North America with Canada
Andrea Mitchell, NBC News: INF deal with NATO, would you cut SDI to appease the Soviets?
Alfreda Madison, Black Media: Supreme Court nomination of Judge Bork

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