The New Age Is The New Agenda

1 year ago

All of these gurus are insane, and honestly you don't need any of them - well, maybe for a while and then you don't. So after you've been through them all and finally find yourself, were they really all that useful?

In my earlier years all I can remember was that I was always searching... for something. You could call it a purpose, a greater connection, or you could say I was looking for my Self.

I wanted my life to mean something. As I got older I still felt as though there were pieces of me which either got stripped or lost in some other dimension.

It wasn't until years later, at around the age of 24 I started to really recognize how much all of this "searching" really had done to me, and in my personal opinion, was slowly ruining my life.

*The Problem With Finding Yourself*
As I was saying earlier. I wanted my life to mean something. I'm not sure to "who" exactly, but there would be images in my mind of this greater end point I would reach when I finally did X,Y, or Z.

This final form, of who I was meant to be, was always so close, yet so far away, that I started to question whether that was the point of it all.

Was I psyoped somewhere along the way? When do I remember feeling and thinking that I need to fix myself, or resolve some issue within my being? When did this begin?

As we all do, we search for answers, luckily we have the internet, and with that we are allowed to find any piece of information that can fit into our current world view, and validate our thinking and what we're feeling - these days now into the finest detail.

In today's online world, spiritual discussions often feel like a never-ending maze. We're constantly debating what ideas are "enlightened" and which ones are "low vibration". The irony is that to even have this conversation, you need a solid grasp of these supposed "levels of consciousness." And guess what? These levels are so subjective that what's true for one person might not be for another. It's like a never-ending loop where everything becomes true again, depending on where you stand.

The internet has opened up a playground for spiritual exploration, but it's also become a breeding ground for all sorts of wacky beliefs. With so much information swirling around, it's hard to separate fact from fiction. And when you throw in the concept of different "levels" of awareness, things get even more difficult to comprehend. Every spiritual tradition has its own idea of what constitutes a higher state of consciousness

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