Hepatitis B Vaccine Approved Based on 147 Babies!!!!

1 year ago

ICAN’s lead lawyer Aaron Siri speaks to the clinical trial on which the Hepatitis B vaccine was approved for babies. Or should we say the lack of reasonable clinical trial. Babies were monitored for only 5 days, there was no control placebo group and there were only 147 participants in the process. So, the Hep B vaccine that is given to babies on their first day of birth in the USA and who knows how many in Canada was granted FDA approval based on 147 babies.

Thank you to Del Bigtree and the Highwire for all their work in reporting accurate scientific facts that we do not receive from the mainstream media. To see more content from The Highwire visit them at https://thehighwire.com

Thanks to the legal team at ICAN that have been responsible for many court decisions that have enabled the public to have access to documents that Big Pharma wanted to keep hidden. To follow all the legal success of ICAN (Informed Consent Action Network) visit their website at https://icandecide.org

To learn more about vaccines visit Mama Bears Project https://mamabearsproject.com/regular-vaccines/

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