Enforce Article 55 - Please follow up, thank you...

11 months ago

Regardless of where you live, I encourage everyone on earth to express your opinion regarding the need to #EnforceArticle55 by sending an email to the following people:


Defend the rule of law - Enforce Article 55
Dear HHS:

Please be aware that Article 55 of the International Health Regulations requires that any amendments to be considered at the upcoming 77th World Health Assembly WERE required to be presented at least four months in advance of the assembly.

January 27, 2024 was the deadline for the Director General of the World Health Organization Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus to communicate to you, and every other state party, a package of targeted amendments in alignment with Article 55.

All available evidence shows that this deadline has been missed and that no such notification has been sent or received.

I request that you formally notify Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus of the World Health Organization that the United States will NOT adopt any IHR amendments at the 77th World Health Assembly, and that you also provide a public statement to the same effect.

I call upon you to publicly defend the rule of law and insist, in public, that the World Health Assembly adhere to its own rules.


Be sure to watch this video, share it far and wide and use the hashtag : #EnforceArticle55

Mirrored from James Roguski :

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